Photo by michelangelus/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by michelangelus/iStock / Getty Images

Change is all around us, in many different business situations creating it's own challenges and opportunities.

You may be a new leader in an organisation, or leading a new team where it is critical for you to get up to speed quickly. You need to build a strong understanding of the organisation and lay the foundations for your success and your legacy. 

Your organisation could be going through a period of rapid growth and you have the challenge to get the right people on the team and help them become adaptable and resilient to the constantly evolving environment.

On the other hand, in a tough economic environment you may have just restructured and need to rebuild trust and energy in your retained organisation.

Even a well managed merger or acquisition can drain energy from an organisation, making it difficult to engage and inspire people to maximise the return on the work 


People don’t resist change. They resist being changed


 Smart strategy and good execution alone will not ensure success,  they need to be brought to life by engaged people who buy in to your goal.  

We all react to change in different ways; even those who are excited by the prospect will have fears and concerns that can distract them from their work.  

By accepting there are natural and unavoidable reactions to change, we can help people see how they can actively become part of the change and contribute to its success.