Photo by maxsattana/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by maxsattana/iStock / Getty Images

Leader Transformation

Any leadership transition is a high stakes turning point for both the leader and the organization and research shows that up to 40% of new leadership transitions can fail within 18 months.   

Leadership transition coaching

An effective way to enable a fast, successful start into a new leadership role as it helps the leader focus on the important levers for a successful transition:  

  • Developing a clear understanding of the situation and what is expected of them;

  • Identifying those people they need to align with to achieve their objectives;

  • Enabling their team to work in an agile way and equipping them to be resilient when faced with change.

New Leader Quick Start

A short and highly effective intervention, bringing the leader’s direct reports together to surface questions and concerns in an open and dynamic environment.  The insights gained from this session raise the leader’s awareness of the current challenges and opportunities and increases the effectiveness of their transition. 

360 Feedback

Implemented well, this can be a vital part of a leader’s development.   I am an accredited feedback coach using PROFILOR © tool to gather constructive feedback on work related skills and competencies from the people with whom the leader works.